The pros and cons of working from home or renting a room for therapists
Opti.Space | 1. 12. 2020 | 5 min branja

It can be awfully difficult to find a suitable room for your business, no matter if you are a massage therapist, a psychotherapist or a nutritionist. How would one decide as to which room is suitable and if it does make sense at all to rent? You might have questions about the membership fee, the […]

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Make the most out of empty spaces and offices with renting out
Opti.Space | 4. 11. 2020 | 3 min branja

When you hear the words »rent out« and »space sharing«, you probably think of coworking spaces, where freelancer can rent offices or spaces. Probably you think that those have to be some special kind of spaces that are being rented out. Exactly now is the time where flexibility has become even more important, companies and entrepreneurs have to change the way […]

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How automation software makes the process of sharing a therapy room easier, quicker and stress-free
Opti.Space | 23. 10. 2020 | 3 min branja

Sharing a therapy room can be a great way to cover overheads and even create a profit.  Especially in this day and age, a lot of therapists are facing a reduced number of appointments or they transferred a part of their business online. Their well-being rooms are often empty and renting them out is one […]

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(So)Uporaba terapevtskih prostorov rešuje mala podjetja
Opti.Space | 21. 10. 2020 | 4 min branja

Živimo v zelo nepredvidljivem času, ko se vsak dan soočamo s številnimi preizkušnjami. Novi koronavirus je naša življenja čez noč postavil na glavo. Spremenila se je dinamika znotraj družine, izjemno velik vpliv pa ima seveda tudi na poslovanje. V večini podjetji smo bili primorani spremeniti svoje navade in se odreci številnim ustaljenim poslovnim praksam. Omejili […]

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5 Nasvetov, kako lahko svoj prostor hitro spremenite v vir zaslužka
Opti.Space | 21. 10. 2020 | 4 min branja

Imate terapevtsko sobo, ki je ne morete popolnoma izkoristiti? Zdaj lahko služi za vas! V zadnjem letu se je veliko srečanj preselilo na splet, številni terapevti in svetovalci pa se soočajo z manjšim obsegom dela. Posledično so terapevtske sobe velikokrat prazne, a fiksne stroške je vseeno treba poravnati, kar pogosto vodi v finančno stisko in […]

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